Pearl sapphire blue hex code. Pair it with off-white trim for a soft décor statement.

Pearl sapphire blue hex code. In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Deep Sapphire has 3%% Red, 15% Green, and 40% Blue. In the RGB color model #243456 is composed of 14. The pearl has always been considered pure and beautiful. The hexadecimal color code #202f41 is a dark shade of cyan-blue. Pearl White has the hex code #F8F6F0. In the RGB color model #165193 is composed of 8. An RGB color value is specified with: rgb (red, green, blue). The Converting Colors Named Colors list contains over 1. Blue Pearl is a light, muted, sapphire blue with a nautical undertone. The equivalent RGB values are (21, 22, 103), which means it is composed of 14% red, 15% green and 71% blue. It represents qualities of honesty, loyalty, and security, making it ideal for usage in security, finance, technology, health care, and accounting. 2% magenta, 0% yellow and 0% black. 39% blue. 04% green Color Spaces; Random Colors. 32413793103448, Yellow = 0, Black = 0. 59% red, 67. Closest websafe color is: #6666cc. 2022 Subaru Paint D4S Crystal Black, DCK Ignition Red, G1U Ice Silver, K1X Crystal White, K7X World Rally Blue, M1Y Crimson Red, M2Y Dark Blue, M6Y Ceramic White, M7Y Pure Red, NAA Lithium Red, P8Y Magnetite Gray, PAF Cool Gray Khaki, SAL Abyss Blue, SAM Cinnamon Brown, SAZ Horizon Blue, SCA Lagoon Blue, TAP Autumn Green, TAQ Ocean Blue, UAT Geyser Blue, UCD Brilliant Bronze, UCG Plasma Yellow Sapphire Blue color hex code is #263855 and RGB (38, 56, 85). PMS: 2767 C. The color blue sapphire with hexadecimal color code #126180 is a medium dark shade of cyan. First introduced in 1969 with the Shelby and increased its popularity during the early 70s. Deep Blue has the hex code #072A6C. The hexadecimal color code #1c253b is a dark shade of blue. 12% red, 20. This blue automotive paint color is most commonly known as Sapphire Blue. In the HSL color space #8eb3d1 has a hue of 207° (degrees), 42% saturation and 69% lightness. #e0115f color hex could be obtained by blending #ff22be with #c10000. In the HSV/HSB scale, Sapphire has a hue of 216°, 92% saturation and a brightness value of 73%. This color has an approximate wavelength of 471. 47% green Apr 5, 2018 · Exterior. 55% red, 18. In the RGB color model, Sapphire Blue has a red value of 0, a green value of 103, and a blue value of 165. 0 Loves. 98% blue. 28 nm. com. 4 degrees, a saturation of 85. This color option has gained popularity among Jeep enthusiasts for its ability to stand out and make a bold statement. 2%. 9% magenta, 0. 9% blue. HEX to RAL Classic converter concluded, that RAL-5026 (Pearl night blue) is considered best match for input hex color #161842. 8% red, 89. 51% green and 23. This color has an approximate wavelength of 514. 51372549019608. Hex Color and RGB Code for Sapphire, with Hex Code #082567 and RGB code 8, 37, 103 Related Colors. RGB: rgb(0,0,255) 1994 GMC Yukon Paint Chart. i. 8% blue. The color is symbolic of resilience, drive, perseverance, and motivation. The hexadecimal color code (color number) for RAL 5003 - Sapphire Blue is #1F3855 , and the RGB color code is RGB (31, 56, 85) . 2% red, 75. 65% blue. 5% and a lightness of 57. 94% blue. Galaxy White. In the RGB color model #0f52ba is composed of 5. The equivalent RGB values are (15, 82, 186), which means it is composed of 5% red, 29% green and 66% blue. yellow red blue green black white orange gold silver brown gray pink purple glow grabber. 6% red, 67. Dec 24, 2023 · Hydro Blue Pearl. Provide color information and color scheme for #256291. 43% blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 575. PaintScratch custom mixes each paint order to exact specifications so it matches the original factory color chip for your vehicle - guaranteed! Pearl has the hex code #F5EBDA. Thankfully, the HEX value for amethyst is simple; the code you need to input is #9063CD. 6% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:92 M:56 Y:0 K:27. In the HSL color space #0f52ba has a hue of 216° (degrees), 85% saturation and 39% lightness. 1% red, 34. 4% blue. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. Emerald Green. 7% and a lightness of 56. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:4 Y:11 K:4. Over the years the Grabber Blue name changed to cross promotional names such as Blue Lightning, Competition Blue, and Pinto Blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 486. 73% blue. It has a hue angle of 42. #0f52ba color name is Sapphire color . 3% cyan, 56. 16% green and 72. The hexadecimal color code #8eb3d1 is a medium light shade of cyan-blue. Details of other color codes including Color converter HEX to RAL. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:1 Y:3 K:3. With its associations of reliability and control, #0f52ba embodies a sense of dependability and Get the official color codes of Bombay Sapphire brand at BrandColorCode. In the HSL color space #334882 has a hue of 224° (degrees), 44% saturation and 35% lightness. The hexadecimal color code (color number) for Sapphire Blue is #0067A5 , and the RGB color code is RGB (0, 103, 165) . #88d8c0 color hex could be obtained by blending # The color pink pearl with hexadecimal color code #e7accf is a light shade of magenta-pink. PMS: 3278 C. The hexadecimal color code #243456 is a dark shade of blue. e (RGB) if mixed in diverging amounts, can generate any color. Color Spaces; Random Colors. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 92. In the RGB color model #eae0c8 is composed of 91. 89,115,255 RGB. In the HSL color space #426384 has a hue of 210° (degrees), 33% saturation and 39% lightness. Please note that the RAL and CMYK values mentioned on this page have been calculated from the hex HEX to RAL Classic converter concluded, that RAL-5026 (Pearl night blue) is considered best match for input hex color #1F2155. Color converter HEX to RAL. Behr Sapphire Blue EBC-45 / #313f67 Hex Color Code. 2018 Paint C5M,C7 Moonlight Blue, M5C,J5 Miami Blue, M5E,4A Biscay Blue, M5F,N5 Night Blue, M5G,A7 Graphite Blue, M5J,N1 Sapphire Blue, M5C Miami Blue, M5F Night Blue, M5G Graphite Blue, M5J Sapphire Blue, C5M Moonlight Blue. Red value of its RGB is 15, Green value is 82 and blue value is 186. 6% and a lightness of 69%. 9% cyan, 55. The RGB color model is based on mixing red, green, and blue light to create different colors. In the HSV/HSB scale, Deep Blue has a hue of 219°, 94% saturation and a brightness value of 42%. 66935483870968, Yellow = 0, Black = 0. ” Royal families would wear pearl necklaces or present pearls as gifts to show off their great wealth. The hexadecimal color code #313f67 is a medium dark shade of blue. 0123456789 Bold text . Ford Sapphire Blue / #243456 Hex Color Code. It has a hue angle of 248. The hex code for Sapphire is #2138AB. 65% red, 36. 02% blue. 2 tone Black Crystal & Cricket Ball. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 48. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:80 M:79 Y:0 K:60. 60 , saturation: 0. Hex Codes: #7A4936, #0F52BA, #CD7F32. 3% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 37% cyan, 0% magenta, 11. In the HSV/HSB scale, Matte Pearl has a hue of 51°, 6% saturation and a brightness value of 89%. 2% green and 24. The equivalent RGB values are (245, 235, 218), which means it is composed of 35% red, 34% green and 31% blue. #7 · Jun 15, 2009. The hexadecimal RGB code of Pearl color is #EAE0C8 and the decimal is rgb (234,224,200). Sapphire Blue is from the RAL Classic list is numbered RAL 5003. Blue Sapphire #126180 May 22, 2012 · Pearl Sapphire Blue color by mystaerious. RGB Colors. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 77. #0f52ba hex color red value is 15, green value is 82 and the blue value of its RGB is 186. RGB 0 0 255. Light Blue. 4% magenta, 1. In the RGB color model #3b4b7f is composed of 23. The color formulation has been used between 2022 and 2024, primarily by Subaru. #eae0c8 color hex could be obtained by blending # A list of BLUE color codes and shades of blue for HTML, CSS and website development with HEX and RGB codes. 4%. Manufacturer. Paint Code 2. Sapphire has 230° Hue, 81% Saturation, and 67% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. 51 91 1 052 098. Color Codes: HEX: #0000ff. #191970 color hex could be obtained by OEM Colors Color Picker Configurator Crew Editor. Blue. In the RGB color model #426384 is composed of 25. #e7accf color hex could be obtained by Blue hex color code for HTML including the css name, hex, rgb, hsl values and similar lighter / darker color codes. Pearl / #eae0c8 Hex Color Code. 3% black. Hex. Bentley. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 25. In Ancient Greece, they believed these gemstones were “the tears of the gods. In the HSL color space #e5e4e2 has a hue of 40° (degrees), 5% saturation and 89% lightness. In a RGB color space, hex #e5e4e2 (also known as Platinum) is composed of 89. The hexadecimal color code #334882 is a medium dark shade of blue. 69% green and 86. 84% green and 78. In the RGB color model #313f67 is composed of 19. Wheels, plows, axes, swords, and a new writing system were all invented at this time. 1%. In the RGB color model #94a1be is composed of 58. 63 nm. In the HSL color space #313f67 has a hue of 224° (degrees), 36% saturation and 30% lightness. Great for dining rooms. 14% red, 29. Closest websafe color is: #cc0066. Exact Matching Paints: Benjamin Moore Palace White / 956 / OC-100; Resene Pearl Lusta Y94-018-087. The Bronze Age was a time of great societal changes. In the RGB color model, #0F52BA has a red value of 15, a green value of 82, and a blue value of 186. 76% red, 87. Moon Grey. 263. 4% magenta, 57. 49% blue. In the HSL color space #126180 has a hue of 197° (degrees), 75% saturation and 29% lightness. 1% yellow and 15. 43137254901961. Deep Sea Blue. 14% green and 74. 76% green and 57. 4 degrees, a saturation of 55. In a RGB color space, hex #007fff (also known as Azure) is composed of 0% red, 49. 76% blue. Rustic sienna khaki walls make bold sapphire blue accent chairs and glamorous bronze chandelier shine. Paint Code 1. 8% black. 69% red, 70. This text is placeholder text to give you an idea of how this color looks when used as a font color on a black background. 7% magenta, 0% yellow and 56. #c1d4e4 Hex Color Code. Hydro Blue Pearl is a vibrant and eye-catching shade of blue that’s available on various Jeep models, such as the Jeep Wrangler and Jeep Gladiator. Sapphire / #0f52ba Hex Color Code. 8% green and 78. The hexadecimal color code #c1d4e4 is a light shade of cyan-blue. Colors are one of the key features of Flight Rising, and are very important for breeding. Rising Sun Red. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:1 Y:6 K:11. 7448275862069, Magenta = 0. In the HSL color space #e7accf has a hue of 324° (degrees), 55% saturation and 79% lightness. 6% black. Sapphire Blue has 223° Hue, 81% Saturation, and 78% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. It has a hue angle of 162 degrees, a saturation of 50. The two sets of names are both correct, with FAST and Nissan publication names used interchangeably. In the HSL color space #3b4b7f has a hue of 226° (degrees), 37% saturation and 36% lightness. The history of bronze goes back to 3300 BCE. 69% red, 83. HEX #0000FF. For example, an RGB color of (0, 128, 255) would be represented as #0080FF in HEX notation. The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. Khakis complement heritage hues like denim blue and antique white beautifully. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen. 51 91 1 052 137. RAL 5025 / Pearl Gentian Blue / #21697c Hex Color Code. 0 Red, 0 Green and 255 Blue. In the RGB color model, RAL 5003 - Sapphire Blue has a red value of 31, a green value of 56, and a blue value of 85. Methinks someone is wishing they could get there whole car painted in it. In the HSL color space #c1d4e4 has a hue of 207° (degrees), 39% saturation and 83% lightness. 98% red, 14. 3% yellow and 10. 85 and the lightness value of 0f52ba is 0. The color sapphire with hexadecimal color code #0f52ba is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. The hexadecimal color code #3b4b7f is a medium dark shade of blue. #007fff color hex could be obtained by blending #00feff These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors. Buy paint matching this color. 94 nm. Paint Code Color Example. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 100% cyan, 50. Look up every color used on the Yukon. In the HSL color space #0d597d has a hue of 199° (degrees), 81% saturation and 27% lightness. Pearl (Pantone) color hex code is #F9DBD8 and the RGB equivalent is (249, 219, 216). 32. 39% green and 33. In the RGB color model #21697c is composed of 12. 96 nm. [1] The number of colors more Provide color information and color scheme for #0d297c. 7% cyan, 77. #001f3f color hex could be obtained by blending #003e7e with #000000. The color Medium Sapphire has the hexadecimal color code as #2D5DA1. 9% green and 49. Behr Tanzanite P530-7 / #3b4b7f Hex Color Code. 2% blue. They were only offered in small numbers from 1997-1998. Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%). The following sentence uses every English character: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Sapphire Blue has 15%% Red, 33% Green, and 78% Blue. 7% green and 75. In the RGB color model #126180 is composed of 7. 3 degrees, a saturation of 53. 9%. Car-Color-HEX-RGB-HSL-Pearl-Note: Color Spaces; Random Colors. RSP (Paint code 8L5) is one of the most coveted colors for a LHD US Market Supra - arguably the most desirable. 45% green and 81. For color #126180 RGB values are R as 18, G as 97, and B as 128. This color has an approximate wavelength of 482. 3937 posts · Joined 2008. The equivalent RGB values are (228, 226, 215), which means it is composed of 34% red, 34% green and 32% blue. 5% and a lightness of 26. In the RGB color model #e5e4e2 is composed of 89. Looking for a different shade of green? Follow this link: Green Color Codes. The Jeep blue color name is Hydro Blue Pearl. Mustangs: all. Neongruen Neon Green Metallic Green. This is true blue, or its purist version on the RGB color model. 8%. 4 degrees, a saturation of 44. 14% green and 89. 67% blue. 8% green and 100% blue. 0% yellow, and 27. In a RGB color space, hex #001f3f is composed of 0% red, 12. The hexadecimal color code #94a1be is a medium light shade of blue. 89516129032258, Magenta = 0. 24% green and 50. 51 91 1 052 186. In the RGB color model #1c253b is composed of 10. In a RGB color space, hex #eae0c8 (also known as Pearl) is composed of 91. 2% green and 88. Every dragon has three colors: one primary, one secondary, and one tertiary. It is a perfect paint color for a soft and elegant bedroom. The equivalent RGB values are (248, 246, 240), which means it is composed of 34% red, 34% green and 33% blue. Hardtops were NA only and extraordinarily rare. You seem to remember the exact colour code of the best and fastest colour rather quickly there Dom. Color Name. The color Blue Sapphire has the hexadecimal color code as #126180. 1% cyan, 53. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 71. 63% red, 31. Blue Sapphire has the hex code #151667. 3% red, 84. 2022 paint by Subaru with a promotional name of Sapphire Blue. For color #2D5DA1 RGB values are R as 45, G as 93, and B as 161. It has a hue angle of 337. In the HSL color space #21697c has a hue of 193° (degrees), 58% saturation and 31% lightness. 94% red, 41. 6% yellow and 12. Paint Code Color Name Color Shade; Year Manufacturer Paint Code Color Name Luxury Blue Pearl : 2023 : Harley : CCX : MED RED : PinStripe Color: 2023 : Harley The Amethyst Color Code: The HEX Code. Sleek Silver. The hexadecimal triplet #256291 definition is: Red = 37, Green = 98, Blue = 145 or CMYK: Cyan = 0. 4% green and 88. The red-green-blue components are EA (234) red, E0 (224) green and C8 (200 The Sapphire – Steven Universe Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Egyptian Blue (#0F2EAB), Dodger Blue (#1E89F0), Fresh Air (#A9E9F8), Blueberry (#568CF5) and Oxford Blue (#012051). We can also define a color by hue, saturation and value ( HSV ). The equivalent RGB values are (7, 42, 108), which means it is composed of 4% red, 27% green and 69% blue. The color caribbean blue with hexadecimal color code #1ac1dd is a shade of cyan. 43% green and 25. 1% key (black). 14 nm. The hexadecimal color code #21697c is a medium dark shade of cyan. 04% red, 63. Approximate color of GTS Blue Pearl touch up paint. Please keep in mind, that this conversion was limited to RAL Classic color chart. 3%. It has a hue angle of 240 degrees, a saturation of 63. The three additive primary colors red, green, and blue . The hexadecimal triplet #0d297c definition is: Red = 13, Green = 41, Blue = 124 or CMYK: Cyan = 0. It has a hue angle of 324. 500 color names with HEX and RGB values, Blue sapphire: 126180: 18, 97, 128: Pearl Aqua: 88D8C0: 136 . #4169e1 color hex could be obtained by Jul 22, 2021 · Wreckless. 1% black. HEX to RAL Classic converter concluded, that RAL-5026 (Pearl night blue) is considered best match for input hex color #1D243E. This color has an approximate wavelength of 475. RAL 5003 - Sapphire Blue color belongs to the Blue color family (hue). 5% red, 41. GTS Blue Pearl BE/SBE. Pair it with off-white trim for a soft décor statement. #6a5acd color hex could be obtained by blending #d4b4ff with #00009b. 262. 41% green and 49. HEX to RAL Classic converter concluded, that RAL-5026 (Pearl night blue) is considered best match for input hex color #06213D. 8% red, 9. Volkswagen Blue Pearl / #1c253b Hex Color Code. 14% blue. The color platinum with hexadecimal color code #e5e4e2 is a very light shade of yellow. 88% red, 32. Sapphire has the hex code #0F52BA. 8,343 Grab this Badge Code Get this Color Image The hexadecimal color code #426384 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. 51% blue. 2023 Subaru Paint 089 Cosmic White, 1L5 Smoked Carbon, 202 Galactic Black, 3U5 Elemental Red, 8Y9 Harbor Mist Gray, D4S Crystal Black, DCK Ignition Red, G1U Ice Silver, K1X Crystal White, K7X World Rally Blue, M1Y Crimson Red, M6Y Ceramic In a RGB color space, hex #191970 (also known as Midnight blue) is composed of 9. 5% and a lightness of 89. Note that if a paint is just called ‘Onyx PPG1157-2. 4% black. 96% blue. 3% magenta, 14. In the HSL color space #1c253b has a hue of 223° (degrees), 36% saturation and 17% lightness. #0f52ba color RGB value is (15,82,186). This means by mixing 7. The most famous blue color is easily the Grabber Blue color. On August 2nd, 2015 it was announced that more colors were to be released. It has a hue angle of 40 degrees, a saturation of 5. In the RGB color model #202f41 is composed of 12. In the HSL color space #94a1be has a hue of 221° (degrees), 24% saturation and 66% lightness. These include lighter varieties such as turquoise, powder blue, sky blue and periwinkle, and darker shades like ultramarine, navy blue, sapphire, midnight blue, and teal. In the RGB color model #8eb3d1 is composed of 55. Looking for a different shade of blue? Follow this link: Blue Color Codes. 88% red, 38. This means by mixing 17. 9% and a lightness of 47. 1% and a lightness of 79%. In the RGB color model #1ac1dd is composed of 10. In the HSL color space #202f41 has a hue of 213° (degrees), 34% saturation and 19% lightness. In the HSV/HSB scale, Pearl White has a hue of 45°, 3% saturation and a brightness value of 97%. 04% green and 50. 5% yellow and 8. As per HSB/HSV model, the color has a hue of 217°, saturation of 55% and a brightness of 33%. Red value of its RGB is 231, Green value is 172 and blue value is 207. download Bombay Sapphire's Mid Blue color: Hex code #00C3F2: content_copy: RGB values Color Spaces; Random Colors. Midnight Blue. 2023. Vintage Khaki Color Combinations. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #0f52ba hue: 0. In the RGB color model #c1d4e4 is composed of 75. Jun 15, 2009 · Toffs. 5 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 12. HSL, CMYK, RAL and other values are listed in the table. 63% blue. R: 197 G: 217 B: 227 LRV: 67. Bronze is a dark metallic brown color with hints of orange or red. Details of other color codes including equivalent Now that we know the red, green, and blue values that make up sapphire blue, we can translate this into a hex code. 3% magenta, 0% yellow and 11. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:94 M:61 Y:0 K:58. 1 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 50%. There are a huge number of shades of blue, unsurprising since blue is the most popular color in much of the world. It also commonly knows as the Sapphire shade. The color can only be applied to a web page and digital creations with the hex code, RGB or HSL values. The hexadecimal color code #0d597d is a medium dark shade of cyan. Volkswagen Sapphire Blue / #202f41 Hex Color Code. 1% magenta, 0% yellow and 19. Code: CW. #256291 is the hex color code that is a variation of "Sapphire" because of their close resemblance. This color has an approximate wavelength of The hex color #0f52ba is a cold, cool shade of blue, evoking trust, responsibility, and calmness. #e5e4e2 color hex could be obtained by blending # These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors. This color has an approximate order the book. All GMC Yukon Paint Codes and Color Charts. 2 1996 Viper Touch Up Paint. 26 nm. 41% blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 478. It has a hue angle of 210. Details of other color codes including Sapphire Blue color belongs to the Blue color family (hue). Hex codes represent these RGB values in hexadecimal base notation – basically using combinations of the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F. 22% red, 24. Each RGB value is converted to a hexadecimal number from 00 to FF. In the HSL color space #165193 has a hue of 212° (degrees), 74% saturation and 33% lightness Jul 2, 2017 · 260. These timeless combos evoke old-world charm. Yours being a RHD JDM car means that hardtops were overwhelmingly common, with aerotops (targa tops) being the very Yes No. The appearance of a dragon's genes is determined by the dragon's colors. 8% red, 87. Dunkelblau Dark Blue Metallic Blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 480. 4% yellow and 9. Hex Color: #13294B; RGB: (100,71,0,66) CMYK: (19,41,75) The hex code for Deep Sapphire is #082567. 50 Shades of Blue – Names & Color Codes. Space Black. Pantone / PMS 19-3941 TSX / Midnight Sapphire / #334882 Hex Color Code. 2% green and 81. Magic Violett Magic Violet Metallic Purple. Modern Grey. 39. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 4. Popular shades of blue include, Navy, Royal, Cobalt, and my personal favorites are Azure, Cyan and Sapphire. The color pearl with hexadecimal color code #eae0c8 is a very light shade of yellow. In the RGB color model #0d597d is composed of 5. 8% green and 43. In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Sapphire has 13%% Red, 22% Green, and 67% Blue. Most people know this blue Mustang color from the 1970 Boss 302. In this case the lack of the ink will result white paper, and we get a dark shade if more colors are mixed together. ‘X’ designates the years a color was available, and ‘~’ means there were several Z32s with this color technically produced in the model year, but it was not truly available that year. Order spray cans, paint pens, brush cap bottles or larger sizes of GTS Blue Pearl touch up paint. 5% green and 81. 5% magenta, 10. The hexadecimal color code #165193 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. 18% blue. This color combination was created by user Manish. The CMYK values of Sapphire Blue are C:55 M:34 Y:0 K:67. 18% green and 48. 06% red, 38. *Cough*Cough*. In a RGB color space, hex #4169e1 (also known as Royal blue) is composed of 25. In the HSL color space #243456 has a hue of 221° (degrees), 41% saturation and 24% lightness. 7% blue. So for sapphire blue: Matte Pearl has the hex code #E4E2D7. In the RGB color model #334882 is composed of 20% red, 28. 82% green and 51. To convert an RGB color to a HEX code, convert each of the three RGB values (ranging from 0-255) to their 2-digit hexadecimal equivalent. 0 Comments. See the history of the GMC Yukon exterior colors, Use this page to double check your paint code. A brief summary of color, and color codes from Great Wall Motors. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in color printing) comprises 91. Pantone / PMS 18-4231 TCX / Blue Sapphire / #0d597d Hex Color Code. 41% green and 88. 2% black. 7% and a lightness of 85. #0d297c is the hex color code that is a variation of "Deep Sapphire" because of their close resemblance. For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats: red (keyword name) #ff0000 (hex) (255,0,0) (RGB) (0, 100%, 50%) (HSL) Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. In the HSV/HSB scale, Blue Sapphire has a hue of 239°, 80% saturation and a brightness value of 40%. R32Dom said: the code you need is 5L0W4SD0GP00. Deep Sapphire has 222° Hue, 92% Saturation, and 40% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. There are a total of 177 colors currently available. Information on the #F8F6F0 or Pearl White html color code with its RGB and HSL make up, lighter and darker colors, analogous colors, and trinary colors. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 0. In the RGB color model #e7accf is composed of 90. It has a hue angle of 225 degrees, a saturation of 72. 71% green and 40. Audi Nogaro Blue Pearl/Nogaroblau Pearl / 9941, LZ5M, M8, M8M8 / #165193 Hex Color Code. 05 nm. The hex code for Sapphire Blue is #2554C7. Hex Color: #009B77; RGB: (0,155,119) CMYK: (100,0,65,0) In a RGB color space, hex #88d8c0 (also known as Pearl Aqua) is composed of 53. In the HSL color space #1ac1dd has a hue of 189° (degrees), 79% saturation and 48% lightness. In the HSV/HSB scale, Pearl has a hue of 38°, 11% saturation and a brightness value of 96%. HTML Color Codes. In a RGB color space, hex #e7accf (also known as Pink pearl) is composed of 90. 8% magenta, 0% yellow and 75. The RGB color code for color number #0F52BA is RGB (15, 82, 186) . od eu ge aa sa rf zn ka dv mf
Pearl sapphire blue hex code. html>dv